Collective insurance and provident funds

The social partners and the government have been increasing employee group insurance obligations for employers for many years now. This topic, which was long confidential, is now daily on the advice agenda between the firm and its clients.

It will soon be required to insure all employees against illness, accidents and maternity (health care costs). After that, employees will have to be covered for the risks of disability, invalidity and death (employer provident funds). The firm can help the company to take advantage of these obligations in its recruitment, compensation and staff management policies.

The firm advises companies on setting up employee group insurance, changing insurance companies or simply evaluating their current set-up in all types of situations, both individual and collective.

The firm also provides its expertise to group insurance brokers, assisting them in their relationships with companies taking out insurance and the employees benefiting from the insurance cover. It can also defend them in court, if necessary.

The firm has expert knowledge of all of these issues, and makes sure that the selected insurance plans and their terms will enable the company to benefit from social security contribution advantages.